2019_ My biggest fear is that this stops and everything continues to be the same

My biggest fear is that this stops and everything continues to be the same

Este proyecto se desarrolla en conjunto con la artista Isabel Torres durante una residencia en Belgrado, Serbia. Nos encontrábamos investigando sobre un proyecto fallido: La construcción de un museo que narrara el proceso revolucionario de la ex Yugoslavia. Este museo queda definitivamente inconcluso durante la década de 1980 y aún hoy es posible visitar los cimientos del edificio que jamás se construyó. Mientras investigábamos la historia de una revolución, una enorme revuelta socia sin precedentes comienza en Chile y nos obliga a suspender nuestro proyecto. Decidimos permanecer el los Balcanes y realizar un archivo del estallido social chileno, con el fin de documentar y narrar la historia de un momento de ebullición social en medio de un espacio que lo vivió en algún momento, pero que hoy se encuentra en una situación muy distinta, gobernados por un líder de ultraderecha.

Exhibición: My biggest fear is that this stops and everything continues to be the same…

Galería: Hestia Art Residency & Exhibitions Bureau, Belgrado, Serbia.

My biggest fear is that this stops and everything continues to be the same

This project was developed during a residency in Belgrade, Serbia in collaboration with artist Isabel Torres. We were originally investigating a failed project; The construction of a museum that would tell the story of former Yugoslavia’s revolutionary process. The museum officially becomes an unfinished matter during the 1980’s and the site where the building foundations for a building that was never built can still be visited today. Whilst we were investigating the story of one revolution, an unprecedented social revolution sparks in Chile and puts an end to our project. We decided to stay in the Balkans and make an archive of Chile’s social outbreak to document and narrate the story of a moment in a space that has also lived similar revolts but currently find themselves in a different situation, where they are governed by a far-right president.

Exhibition: My biggest fear is that this stops and everything continues to be the same..

Gallery: Hestia Art Residency & Exhibitions Bureau, Belgrade, Serbia